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What are the knitting methods
Source: | Release time:2019-11-14 8:55:38 | Views:

Multiple yarns are used to form loops along the longitudinal (Warp) direction of the cloth surface at the same time

Warp knitted fabrics cannot be woven by hand.

Warp knitted fabrics are divided into two categories:

1、 Raschel fabric is characterized by large flower shape, rough cloth surface and many holes. It is mainly used as decorative fabric;

2、 It is tricol fabric with fine surface, less pattern and color, but high yield. It is mainly used for covering fabric and printing cloth. This kind of fabric is mostly used for chemical fiber filament, otherwise the production efficiency is very low

To form a loop of one or more yarns along the transverse (weft) direction of the cloth surface

Weft knitted fabrics can be formed with at least one yarn, but in order to improve production efficiency, more than one yarn is usually used for weaving; while for warp knitted fabrics, one yarn can only form a chain fabric composed of one coil.

All weft knitted fabrics can be separated into threads against the knitting direction, but warp knitted fabrics cannot.

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