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Problems in knitting production
Source: | Release time:2019-11-14 8:54:33 | Views:

1. Before cutting, it is very important to test the fabric shrinkage and adjust the pattern according to the shrinkage.

2. The main process of knitted clothing is hemming. It depends on whether the density, width, color and quality of stitching are done according to the requirements.

3. The problem of the handcuffing gesture. For example: two trouser legs are generally long and short when they are made in factories. To reduce the gap between the two legs, it is necessary to ask the Turner's gesture. The newly installed leg is driven to the crotch, so the lathe operator is required to pull the fabric a little bit. When changing the other leg, they should go to the bottom of the pants. At this time, they can not pull the fabric, but push the fabric.

4. The problem of ironing shrinkage of accessories: sometimes knitwear should be equipped with some accessories such as ribbon and rubber band, but the shrinkage rate of these accessories is difficult to match with the fabric. At this time, the factory should first require the fabric to be pre shrunk (pre shrunk by pre shrinking machine), and all kinds of accessories with shrinkage can be ironed before making.

5. In the process of pressing, most of the ironing can be done by adjusting the length of the garment.

6. Other is the general routine to pay attention to the place.

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