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The difference between noble lace and popular lace
Source: | Release time:2020-8-27 9:45:38 | Views:

What is noble lace? The difference between aristocratic lace and popular lace is that in Europe, the so-called aristocratic lace often takes the "exquisite line", that is to say, the Global Limited production method is adopted. Every batch of lace products are registered and sold out, they will never be produced again, so that the buyers have a unique sense of superiority in using such products. But at present, there is no place to buy.

At present, most of the lace on the domestic market is machine-made. The general concept of consumers is that lace is the lace beside clothes. In fact, as long as it is embroidered, it can be regarded as lace. The composition of lace, hidden behind this period of history, some may be the totem of the nobility, some are derived from the special patterns in western religion. At the same time, this kind of products not only add lace, but also use a lot of embroidery on the main cloth surface, showing gorgeous style. But ordinary lace refers to that you can see it in the market at will. The lace you buy has no intellectual property rights and can be produced in unlimited quantities.

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